Selected Bibliography
Notes on the Composition and Nature of the Bibliography
[Note: this page is still under construction]
This selected bibliography includes material that is, or has been, of relevance in the preparation of the Islamic Finance in Practice series of books and materials. The various publications and materials in the Islamic Finance in Practice series have additional references, and, with respect to specialized or particular matters, may have significantly more references.
Not all of the materials included in this Selected Bibliography pertain directly to Islamic finance, investment and banking. Other materials that are of relevance, more indirectly, to Islamic finance, investment and banking are also included. For example, project and infrastructure finance materials are included, as are a range of different materials on securitizations and trusts, and as are materials on contracts, standardization and comparative legal systems, among other topics. Similarly, some materials on the 2007 financial crisis have been included. These have been included as research aids (and many more were excluded than were included).
The choice of what has been included is personal to the authors and the team, and is within the sole and absolute discretion of Publisher (as defined on the page entitled "Legal Matters".
For the present time, and with apologies, the entries in this Selected Bibliography are alphabetical and not sorted by topic.
This selected bibliography includes material that is, or has been, of relevance in the preparation of the Islamic Finance in Practice series of books and materials. The various publications and materials in the Islamic Finance in Practice series have additional references, and, with respect to specialized or particular matters, may have significantly more references.
Not all of the materials included in this Selected Bibliography pertain directly to Islamic finance, investment and banking. Other materials that are of relevance, more indirectly, to Islamic finance, investment and banking are also included. For example, project and infrastructure finance materials are included, as are a range of different materials on securitizations and trusts, and as are materials on contracts, standardization and comparative legal systems, among other topics. Similarly, some materials on the 2007 financial crisis have been included. These have been included as research aids (and many more were excluded than were included).
The choice of what has been included is personal to the authors and the team, and is within the sole and absolute discretion of Publisher (as defined on the page entitled "Legal Matters".
For the present time, and with apologies, the entries in this Selected Bibliography are alphabetical and not sorted by topic.
Suggestions for the Bibliography
Please do not hesitate to send suggestions for inclusion of other material if you believe it might be useful for practitioners in the Islamic
finance, investment and banking industries (we tend to define "useful" quite broadly).
The Publisher (as defined on the page entitled "Legal Matters") retains sole and absolute discretion as to whether to include any reference or material in this selected bibliography. In any event, and without limiting our discretion and prerogatives, no material will be included (a) unless it is in the English language (our apologies on this, and this is without denigration of the many beauties of any other language), (b) unless we are able to obtain and review a copy at no cost to us, or (c) if it contains any offensive material or references.
finance, investment and banking industries (we tend to define "useful" quite broadly).
The Publisher (as defined on the page entitled "Legal Matters") retains sole and absolute discretion as to whether to include any reference or material in this selected bibliography. In any event, and without limiting our discretion and prerogatives, no material will be included (a) unless it is in the English language (our apologies on this, and this is without denigration of the many beauties of any other language), (b) unless we are able to obtain and review a copy at no cost to us, or (c) if it contains any offensive material or references.
Bibliographic Entries
Articles, books and other publications are categorized by topic. The following are the topical subdivisions:
Agency, Wakala
Banking and Financial Institutions
Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Collateral Security - see Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest and Collateral Security
Comparative Law Matters
Compilations on Islamic Finance Topics
Disputes, Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Litigation
Equity and Equities
Governing Law, Legal Decisions, Legal Opinions, Legal Systems
Investments; Asset and Wealth Management
Islamic Culture, Thought and Religion
Islamic Finance Industry
Partnerships, Sharikat, Mudaraba, Musharaka
Private Equity
Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security
Real Estate, Including Investments, Acquisitions and Home Finance
Riba, Interest and Usury
Shariah, Fiqh, Reasoning and Islamic Law
Shariah Boards and Supervision; Fatawa
Sukuk, Securitizations and Bonds
Takaful and Insurance
Waqf and Trusts
In this selected bibliography, hyphenation, or its absence, has been ignored in names that incorporate “al“, “Al“ or “El“.
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Abdel Karim (2007): Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, Accounting standards for Islamic financial services, in M. Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007), at 302-09.
__Agency, Wakala________________________________________________________________________
Badr, Gamal Moursi, The Agent's Contract with Himself: With Special Reference to Islamic Law, 30 The American Journal of Comparative
Law 255 (1982).
Dar, Humayan A., David I. Harvey and John R. Presley, Profitability, and Agency in Profit- and Loss-sharing in Islamic Banking and Finance, in The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998), at 51-62.
__Banking and Financial Institutions_________________________________________________________
Algaoud, Latifa M. and Mervyn K. Lewis, Islamic critique of conventional banking, in Handbook of Islamic Banking, M.
Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds. (2007), at 38-48.
Dar, Humayan A., David I. Harvey and John R. Presley, Profitability, and Agency in Profit- and Loss-sharing in Islamic Banking and Finance, in The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998), at 51-62.
Hassan, M. Kabir, and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007).
Head, John W., For Richer or for Poorer: Assessing the Criticisms Directed at the Multinational Development Banks, 52 University of Kansas Law Review 241 (2004).
McArdle, Wayne, EBRD: A Review of Project Finance Activities, 24 International Business Lawyer 431 (1996).
__Bankruptcy and Insolvency______________________________________________________________
Awad, Abed, and Robert E. Michael, Iflas and Chapter 11: Classical Islamic Law and Modern Bankruptcy, 44 The International
Lawyer 975 (2010), available here.
McMillen, Michael J.T., An Introduction to Sharīʿah Considerations in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Contexts and Islamic Finance’s First Bankruptcy (East Cameron) (2012), available here.
Aram, Mohammad, Islamic Finance References, Information Paper Series 1383-4-22, Research Center of Imam Sadeq University (R.C.I.S.U.) (2004).
Azzam, Issam, The Law in the Near and Middle East: Basic Sources in English, Second Edition, 57 Law Librarians Journal 234 (1964).
__Collateral Security see Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security_________________
__Comparative Law Matters_______________________________________________________________
Watson, Alan, Society and Legal Change (1977).
Ali, S. Namim, ed., Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), (which is a selection of articles from the Sixth
Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Ali, S. Nazim, ed., Integrating Islamic Finance in the Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth (2002).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007).
Ballantyne, William M., and Howard L. Stovall, eds., Arab Commercial Law: Principles and Perspectives (2002).
Fyzee, Asaf A.A., ed., Outlines of Muhammadan Jurisprudence (1949).
Fyzee, Tahir Mahmoud, ed., Asaf A.A. Fyzee, Outlines of Muhammadan Jurisprudence (2008).
Dar, Humayan A., and Umar Moghul, eds., The Chancellor Guide to the Legal and Shari’a Aspects of Islamic Finance (2009).
Harvard, Third Forum, The Proceedings of The Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities
Harvard Fifth Forum, The Proceedings of the Fifth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance: Dynamics and Developments (2005).
Harvard Fourth Forum, The Proceedings of the Fourth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance: The Task Ahead
Harvard Second Forum, The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998).
Harvard Third Forum, The Proceedings of The Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (2000).
Hassan, M. Kabir, and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007).
Henry, Clement M., and Rodney Wilson, eds., The Politics of Islamic Finance (2004).
Hooper, Judge C.A., translator, Majalat Al-Ahkam Al-Adliyah (an English language translation prepared by Judge C.A. Hooper as The Civil Law of Palestine and Trans-Jordan, Volumes I and II (1933), and reprinted in various issues of 4 Arab Law Quarterly 1968).
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies (2004).
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Wealth Management: A Catalyst for Global Change and Innovation (2008).
Hurgronje, C. Snouck, Mohammedanism: Lectures on Its Origin, Its Religious and Political Growth, and Its Present State (1916).
Hurgronje, C. Snouck, Selected Works (1957).
Islamic Financial Services Board, Islamic Finance: Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Islamic Financial Services Board (2008).
Khadduri, Majid and Herbert J., eds. Law in the Middle East (1955).
Adhieh, Robert B., The Strategy of Boilerplate, 104 Michigan Law Review 1033 (2005-2006).
Amkhan, Adnan, Termination for Breach in Arab Contract Law, 10 Arab Law Quarterly 17 (1995).
Amkhan, Adnan, The Effect of Change in Circumstances in Arab Contract Law, 9 Arab Law Quarterly 258 (1994).
Amkhan, Adnan, Specific Performance in Arab Contract Law, 9 Arab Law Quarterly 324 (1994).
Amkhan, Adnan, The Concept of Fault in the Arab Law of Contract, 9 Arab Law Quarterly 171 (1994).
Amkhan, Adnan,
Force Majeure and Impossibility of Performance in Arab Contract Law, 6 Arab Law Quarterly 297 (1991).
Angelo, A.H., and E.P. Ellinger, Unconscionable Contracts: A Comparative Study of the Approaches in England, France, Germany and the United States, 14 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 455 (1991-1992).
Ar-Rawi, Abdul Jalil, Principles of Islamic Law on Contracts, 22 George Washington Law Review 32 (1953-1954).
Buang, Ahmad Hidayat, Islamic Contracts in a Secular Court Setting? Lessons from Malaysia, 21 Arab Law Quarterly 317 (2007).
Choi, Stephen J., and G. Mitu Gulati, Contract as Statute, 104 Michigan Law Review 1129 (2005-200).
Comair-Obeid, Nayla, The Law of Business Contracts in the Arab Middle East (1996).
El-Fishawy, Saad, Contracts and Litigation in Islamic Law, 76 American Society of International Legal Proceedings 62 (1982).
El-Wahab , `Abd, and Ahmed El-Hassan, Freedom of Contract, The Doctrine of Frustration, and Sanctity of Contracts in Sudan Law and Islamic Law, 1 Arab Law Quarterly 231 (1985-1986).
El-Wahab , `Abd, and Ahmed El-Hassan, The Doctrine of Duress (Ikrah) in Sharia, Sudan and English Law, 1 Arab Law Quarterly 51 (1985-1986).
Kahan, Marcel, and Michael Klausner, Standardization and Innovation in Corporate Contracting (or “The Economics of Boilerplate”), 83 Virginia Law Review 713 (1997).
Kourides, P. Nicholas, The Influence of Islamic Law on Contemporary Middle Eastern Legal Systems: The Formation and Binding Force of Contracts, 9 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 384 (1970).
__Disputes, Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Litigation__________________________________
Awad, Abed, The True Story of Sharia in American Courts, The Nation, June 13, 2012, available at
Buang, Ahmad Hidayat, Islamic Contracts in a Secular Court Setting? Lessons from Malaysia, 21 Arab Law Quarterly 317 (2007).
El-Fishawy, Saad, Contracts and Litigation in Islamic Law, 76 American Society of International Legal Proceedings 62 (1982).
__Equity and Equities____________________________________________________________________________
Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, Guide to the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, June 2007, Dow Jones Indexes, available at
Elgari, Mohamed Ali, Purification of Islamic Equity Funds: Methodology and Sharī`a Foundation, in Fourth Harvard Forum (2002), at 77-80.
Siddiqui, Rushdi, Islamic indexes: the DJIM framework, in Jaffer (2004), at 46-58.
Siddiqui, Rushdi, Shari‛ah Compliance, Performance and Conversion: The Case of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law495 (2007).
Yaquby, Nizam, Trading in Equities: A Sharī`a Perspective, in Fourth Harvard Forum (2001), at 119-28 (a version is available of this article may be found here.
__Governing Law, Legal Decisions, Legal Opinions, Legal Systems_________________________________________
al-Hibri, Azizah, Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing, 1 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 492 (1998-1999).
Awad, Abed, The True Story of Sharia in American Courts, The Nation, June 13, 2012, available here.
Badr, Gamal Moursi, Islamic Law: Its Relation to Other Legal Systems, 26 The American Journal of Comparative Law 187 (1977-1978).
Cammack, Mark E., and R. Michael Feener, The Islamic Legal System in Indonesia, 21 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 13 (2012),
available here.
DeLorenzo, Yusuf Talal, and Michael J.T. McMillen, Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis, in Archer, Simon, and
Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007), at 136-201.
__Investments; Asset and Wealth Management_______________________________________________________
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies (2004).
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Wealth Management (2008).
__Islamic Culture, Thought and Religion_____________________________________________________________
Al-Ghazālī, Abū Hamid, The Niche of Lights, David Buchman, translator (1998).
Al-Ghazālī, Abū Hamid, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, Michael A. Marmura, translator (2000).
Allen, Roger, An Introduction to Arabic Literature (2000).
Arberry, A.J., ed., Religion in the Middle East (1969).
Armstrong, H. C., Lord of Arabia (2001).
Gibb, Hamilton A.R., Studies on the Civilization of Islam (1982).
Goldziher, Ignaz, Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law (1910: special edition 1982 translated by Andras Hamouri and Bernard Lewis).
Hattstein, Markus, and Peter Delius, Islam: Art and Architecture (undated).
Hastings, James, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (1915).
Holt, P.M., Ann K.S. Lambton and Bernard Lewis, eds., The Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 2: The Further Islamic Lands, Islamic
Society and Civilization (1970).
Makdisi, George, The Rise of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and the West (1981).
Makdisi, George, Legal History of Islamic Law and the English Common Law: Origins and Metamorphoses, 34 Cleveland State Law Review 3
Makdisi, John, Legal Logic and Equity in Islamic Law, 33 The American Journal of Comparative Law 63 (1985).
Makdisi, John,The Islamic Origins of the Common Law, 77 North Carolina Law Review 1635 (1998-1999).
McIlroy, David, Mediaeval Commercial Canon Law & Morality: Its Application to Todays World, 132133 Law & Justice - Christian Law Review 9
McKean, Frederick G., Canon Law in American Jurisdictions, 39 Dickinson Law Review 75 (October 1934 to June 1935).
__Islamic Finance Industry_______________________________________________________________________
Abdulmalik, Atif, Rising to the Challenge of Phenomenol Growth, Arab Banker, available at
Ali, S. Namim, ed., Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), (which is a selection of articles from the Sixth
Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Ali, S. Nazim, ed., Integrating Islamic Finance in the Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth (2002).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007).
Arnold, Wayne: Wayne Arnold, Adapting Finance to Islam, The New York Times, November 22, 2007, available at
Collier, Jane F., Intertwined Histories: Islamic Law and Western Imperialism, 28 Law & Society Review 395 (1994).
Coulson, Noel J., Commercial Law in the Gulf States: The Islamic Legal Tradition (1984).
Coulson, Noel J., A History of Islamic Law (1964).
DeLorenzo, Yusuf Talal, and Michael J.T. McMillen, Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis, in Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007), at 136-201.
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., “Interest” and the Paradox of Contemporary Law and Finance, 27 Fordham International Law Journal 108 (2003-2004).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Islamic Finance: Law, Economics, and Practice (2006).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., A Basic Guide to Contemporary Islamic anking and Finance (June 2000).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Mutuality as an Antidote to Rent-Seeking in Shari‘a-Arbitrage in Islamic Finance (April 2005), available
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Incoherence of Contract-Based Islamic Financial Jurisprudence in the Age of Financial Engineering (2007), available at
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Incoherence of Contract-Based Islamic Financial Jurisprudence in the Age of Financial Engineering, 25 Wisconsin
International Law Journal 605 (2008).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Limited and Dangers of Shari‘a Arbitrage (undated), available at
Hamoudi, Haider Ala, Judicial Schizophrenia in Islamic Finance, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law 605 (2006-2007).
Hamoudi, Haider Ala, Muhammad’s Social Justice or Muslim Cant?: Langdellianism and the Failures of Islamic Finance, 40 Cornell International Law Journal 89 (2007).
Hamoudi, Haider Ala, The Muezzin’s Call and the Dow Jones Bell: Necessity of Realism in the Study of Islamic Law, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Working Paper No. 2007-08, September 2007, available at
Hegazy, Walid, Fatwas and the Fate of Islamic Finance: A Critique of the Practice of Fatwa in Contemporary Islamic Finance, in Ali (2005),
at 133-52.
Hegazy, Walid S., Contemporary Islamic Finance: From Socioeconomic Idealism to Pure Legalism, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law
Hegazy, Walid, Islamic Liability as Practiced by Islamic Financial Institutions, 25 Wisconsin International Law Journal 797 (2008).
Iqbal, Zamir, Islamic Financial Systems, Finance and Development (June 1997).
Iqbal, Zamir, and Hiroshi Tsubota, Emerging Islamic Capital Markets, The World Bank (2004).
Islamic Financial Services Board, Islamic Finance: Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Islamic Financial Services Board (2008).
Fadeel, Mahmoud Nasreldin Ahmed, Legal Aspects of Islamic Finance, in Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. (2002), at 90-108.
Khalaf, Roula, Islamic Banking Held Back by Lack of Scholars, Financial Times, November 19, 2007, available at
Landon, Thomas, Jr., Islamic Finance and Its Critics, The New York Times, August 9, 2007, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Finance and Investment in U.S. Expected to Grow, 248, No. 8, New York Law Journal, July 12, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., ”Enforceable In Accordance With Its Terms”: A Proposal Pertaining to Islamic Shari’ah, Fourth Meeting of the Council and Second Meeting of the General Assembly of the Islamic Financial Services Board, Bali, Indonesia, 2 Raby’ al-awal 1425 H.E., April 2, 2004 C.E..
McMillen, Michael J.T., Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Finance: A South Korean Case Study, in Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), at 77-106.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Creating a Secondary Market, Islamic Banking & Finance, Issue 11, July 2006, at 21-23.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Capital Markets: Developments and Issues, 1 Capital Markets Law Journal 136 (2006).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk issuances and the glimpse of a secondary market, in Euromoney Islamic Finance Review, Lori Nicholson, ed. (2006-2007), at 10-16.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Contractual Enforceability Issues: Sukuk and Capital Markets Development, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law
427 (2007).
McMillen, Michael J.T., The Shirt as an Environmental Adaptation, The Shirt Report, The Shirt Store, New York, July 2005.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Securities Laws, Trusts, Enforceability and Sukuk (a report for the Islamic Financial Services Board and the International Organization of Securities Commissions, April 19, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; copy on file with the author). An earlier version of a portion of this report addressing trust concepts was co-authored by Michael J.T. McMillen and Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo in a report to the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) entitled Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Trust Concepts and Sukuk. This earlier report, in turn, was incorporated into a larger report to the ADB prepared by V. Sundararajan and Centennial Group Holdings, LLC, and entitled TA-6182-REG: Development of International Prudential Standards for Islamic Financial Services, Final Report, March 2007, and appears in full as Appendix 4 to that report.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk (Islamic Bonds and Securitizations): Toward a Viable Secondary Market, in Integrating Islamic Finance in the
Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency, Nazim Ali, ed. (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard
University Forum on Islamic Finance).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk in Its Infancy: Misstep and Sequel, Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes: QuarterlyNewsletter, Issue
1, May 2008, available here.
__Islamic Law: see Sharī`ah, Fiqh and Islamic Law______________________________________________
__Markets; see Islamic Finance Industry______________________________________________________
__Mortgage see Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security________________________
__Partnerships, Sharikat, Mudaraba, Musharaka________________________________________________
Guidance Finance Group, LLC, The Declining Balance Co-Ownership Program, Guidance White Paper Series, Number One (2004),
available at
__Private Equity_________________________________________________________________________
Mailander (1997): Christopher J. Mailander, Searching for Liquidity: United States Exit Strategies for International Private Equity
Investment, 13 American niversity International Law Review 71 (1997-1998).
__Project and Infrastructure Finance_________________________________________________________
Al Omar, Mohammed S., Islamic Project Finance: A Case Study of the Equate Petrochemical Company, in The Proceedings of The Third
Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (2000), at 259-64.
Ambinder, Loren Page, Nimali e Silva and John Dewar, The Mirage Becomes Reality: Privatization and Project Finance Developments in the Middle East Power Market, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1029 (2000-2001).
AME Info: Qatar Expenditures (2005): Next step in Qatar’s $15 billion infrastructure spending, AME Info, June 27, 2005, available
AME Info: GCC Infrastructure (2008): $1.5 trillion for a 10 year GCC infrastructure boom, AME Info, January 29, 2008, available
Amison, Martin, Privatization and project finance in the Middle East, 14 International Financial Law Journal 14 (1995).
Babai, Don, Islamic Project Finance: Problems and Promises, in The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance:
Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998), at 173-78.
Bjerre, Carl S., Project Finance, Securitization and Consensuality, 12 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 411 (2002).
Croke, James J., Jr., Project Finance and Securitization: A Natural Hybrid, 18 Transnational Law Journal 159 (2004-2005).
Davis, Henry A., ed., Infrastructure Finance: Trends and Technologies (2008).
Duncan, Michael, Bimal Desai and Julie Rieger, Islamic Bankers take role on international projects, 23 International Financial Law Review 52 (2004).
Ebrahim, Muhammed-Shahid, Integrating Islamic and Conventional Project Finance, in Second Harvard Forum (1998), at 183-94.
Euromoney (2007 - Bond): Islamic Finance: Bonds’ car is Shariah-compliant, Euromoney Magazine as contained at the web
site of the Islamic Finance Information Service, April 1, 2007, available at
Head, John W., For Richer or for Poorer: Assessing the Criticisms Directed at the Multinational Development Banks, 52 University of Kansas Law Review 241 (2004).
Hoffman, Scott L., The Law and Business of International Project Finance: A Resource for Governments, Sponsors, Lenders, Lawyers and
Project Participants (1998).
Husain, Syed Tariq, Project Finance, in Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds.(2002), at 143-50.
Kamarck, Martin, Priming the Pump: Tapping the Global Capital Markets to Fund the World’s Infrastructure Needs, 18 The Transnational Lawyer 125 (2004-2005).
Khan, Mansoor H., Designing an Islamic model for project finance, 16 International Financial Law Review 13 (1997).
Loke, Alexander F.H., Risk Management and Credit Support in Project Finance, 2 Singapore Journal of International and Comparative Law 37 (1998).
Mates, Carol M., Project Finance in Emerging Markets – The Role of International Finance Corporation, 18 The Transnational Lawyer 165 (2004-2005).
McArdle, Wayne, EBRD: A Review of Project Finance Activities, 24 International Business Lawyer 431 (1996).
McMillen, Michael J.T., New Initiatives in Saudi Arabian Project Financing and the Expanding Role of Islamic Banking, Saudi Commerce and Economic Review, No. 48, April 1998.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Special Report: Project Finance: Reconciling New Funding with the Shari’ah, 38 Middle East Economic digest, 22 September 1998.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1184 (2000).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, in Third Harvard Forum (2002), at 111-31 (an earlier draft of this article is available at, as are other articles relating to contemporary Islamic finance).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Special Report US, Briefing: Islamic Finance: Breaking the Mould, Middle East Economic Digest, Vol. 44, No. 38, at 28-29, 22 September 2000.
McMillen, Michael J.T., A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings, The Proceedings of The Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (2000).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part I: Project Financing and Islamic Jurisdictions – Saudi Arabia, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 8 (August 2001).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Shari`a-Compliant Financing Structures and the Development of an Islamic Economy, in Fifth Harvard Forum (2003), at 89-108.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part II: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 9 (2003).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part III: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 10 (2003).
__Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security_________________________________________
Brendel, Neal R., Amy L. Barrette and Wadih El-Riachi, The Availability in the UAE of Liens to Secure Payments under Construction
Contracts, 24 Arab Law Quarterly 309 (2010).
Foster, Nicholas H.D., The Islamic Law of Real Security, 15 Arab Law Quarterly 131 (2000).
Gatteschi, D., Real Property, Mortgage and Wakf According to Ottoman Law, Translated from the Original Italian published in 1869 (1884).
Khan, Javed Ahmed, and Shariq Nisar, Collateral (Al-Rahn) as Practiced by Muslim Funds of North India, 17 Journal of Islamic Economics 17 (1425 A.H. / 2004 A.D.).
McMillen, Michael J.T., A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings, in Third Harvard Forum (2002).
__Real Estate, Including Investments, Acquisitions and Home Finance____________________________________
Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks, United States of America, Interpretive Letter #806, December 1997, to Mr. Steven T. Thomas, in respect of net lease (ijara) home finance products.
DeLorenzo, Yusuf Talal, and Michael J.T. McMillen, Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis, in Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007), at 136-201.
Gatteschi, D., Real Property, Mortgage and Wakf According to Ottoman Law, Translated from the Original Italian published in 1869 (1884).
Guidance Finance Group, LLC, The Declining Balance Co-Ownership Program, Guidance White Paper Series, Number One (2004),
available at
Hanif, Muhammad, and Syed Tahir Hijazi, Islamic Housing Finance: A Critical Analysis and Comparison with Conventional Mortgage,
available at
Gaffaney, Kyle, Buying a Home Can Be Difficult for Muslims in the United States, 21 Loyola Consumer Law Review 557 (2008-2009).
Hashmi, Omar A., Islamic Home Financing in the United States: Solution or Deception?, 52 Howard Law Journal 709 (2008-2009).
Mann, Roberta, Is Sharif's Castle Deductible?: Islam and the Tax Treatment of Mortgage Debt, 17 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1139 (2008-2009).
Maurer, Bill, Articulating Islamic Knowledge to an American Dream: Islamic Home Financing Alternatives after September 11, 2001, 26 Political and Legal Anthropology Journal 196 (2003).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Home Purchase Financing: A Conceptual Overview, November 17, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing IV – Bai Bithaman Ajil and Istisna’a, Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP November 5, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing III – Murabaha and Tawarruq, Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP October 2, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing II – Musharaka Mutanaqisa, Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP August 31, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing I – The Lease, July 31, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System (2012), available at
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__Trusts see Waqf and Trusts_______________________________________________________________
__Wakala see Agency, Wakala_______________________________________________________________
__Waqf and Trusts________________________________________________________________________
Avini, Avisheh, The Origins of the Modern English Trust Revisited, 70 Tulane Law Review 1139 (1995-1996).
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___ E ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ F ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ H ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ M ________________________________________________________________________________
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McMillen, Michael J.T., The 2010 Tahawwut Master Agreement – ISDA and IIFM Pave “The Way” for Shari`ah-Compliant Hedging Products, co-authored with Michael E. Pikiel, Jr. and Rich Fagerer, available at
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___ N ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ O ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ P ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ Q ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ R ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ S ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ T ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ U ________________________________________________________________________________
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___ V ________________________________________________________________________________
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Investments; Asset and Wealth Management
Islamic Culture, Thought and Religion
Islamic Finance Industry
Partnerships, Sharikat, Mudaraba, Musharaka
Private Equity
Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security
Real Estate, Including Investments, Acquisitions and Home Finance
Riba, Interest and Usury
Shariah, Fiqh, Reasoning and Islamic Law
Shariah Boards and Supervision; Fatawa
Sukuk, Securitizations and Bonds
Takaful and Insurance
Waqf and Trusts
In this selected bibliography, hyphenation, or its absence, has been ignored in names that incorporate “al“, “Al“ or “El“.
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Abdel Karim (2007): Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, Accounting standards for Islamic financial services, in M. Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007), at 302-09.
__Agency, Wakala________________________________________________________________________
Badr, Gamal Moursi, The Agent's Contract with Himself: With Special Reference to Islamic Law, 30 The American Journal of Comparative
Law 255 (1982).
Dar, Humayan A., David I. Harvey and John R. Presley, Profitability, and Agency in Profit- and Loss-sharing in Islamic Banking and Finance, in The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998), at 51-62.
__Banking and Financial Institutions_________________________________________________________
Algaoud, Latifa M. and Mervyn K. Lewis, Islamic critique of conventional banking, in Handbook of Islamic Banking, M.
Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds. (2007), at 38-48.
Dar, Humayan A., David I. Harvey and John R. Presley, Profitability, and Agency in Profit- and Loss-sharing in Islamic Banking and Finance, in The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998), at 51-62.
Hassan, M. Kabir, and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007).
Head, John W., For Richer or for Poorer: Assessing the Criticisms Directed at the Multinational Development Banks, 52 University of Kansas Law Review 241 (2004).
McArdle, Wayne, EBRD: A Review of Project Finance Activities, 24 International Business Lawyer 431 (1996).
__Bankruptcy and Insolvency______________________________________________________________
Awad, Abed, and Robert E. Michael, Iflas and Chapter 11: Classical Islamic Law and Modern Bankruptcy, 44 The International
Lawyer 975 (2010), available here.
McMillen, Michael J.T., An Introduction to Sharīʿah Considerations in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Contexts and Islamic Finance’s First Bankruptcy (East Cameron) (2012), available here.
Aram, Mohammad, Islamic Finance References, Information Paper Series 1383-4-22, Research Center of Imam Sadeq University (R.C.I.S.U.) (2004).
Azzam, Issam, The Law in the Near and Middle East: Basic Sources in English, Second Edition, 57 Law Librarians Journal 234 (1964).
__Collateral Security see Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security_________________
__Comparative Law Matters_______________________________________________________________
Watson, Alan, Society and Legal Change (1977).
Ali, S. Namim, ed., Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), (which is a selection of articles from the Sixth
Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Ali, S. Nazim, ed., Integrating Islamic Finance in the Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth (2002).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007).
Ballantyne, William M., and Howard L. Stovall, eds., Arab Commercial Law: Principles and Perspectives (2002).
Fyzee, Asaf A.A., ed., Outlines of Muhammadan Jurisprudence (1949).
Fyzee, Tahir Mahmoud, ed., Asaf A.A. Fyzee, Outlines of Muhammadan Jurisprudence (2008).
Dar, Humayan A., and Umar Moghul, eds., The Chancellor Guide to the Legal and Shari’a Aspects of Islamic Finance (2009).
Harvard, Third Forum, The Proceedings of The Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities
Harvard Fifth Forum, The Proceedings of the Fifth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance: Dynamics and Developments (2005).
Harvard Fourth Forum, The Proceedings of the Fourth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance: The Task Ahead
Harvard Second Forum, The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998).
Harvard Third Forum, The Proceedings of The Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (2000).
Hassan, M. Kabir, and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007).
Henry, Clement M., and Rodney Wilson, eds., The Politics of Islamic Finance (2004).
Hooper, Judge C.A., translator, Majalat Al-Ahkam Al-Adliyah (an English language translation prepared by Judge C.A. Hooper as The Civil Law of Palestine and Trans-Jordan, Volumes I and II (1933), and reprinted in various issues of 4 Arab Law Quarterly 1968).
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies (2004).
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Wealth Management: A Catalyst for Global Change and Innovation (2008).
Hurgronje, C. Snouck, Mohammedanism: Lectures on Its Origin, Its Religious and Political Growth, and Its Present State (1916).
Hurgronje, C. Snouck, Selected Works (1957).
Islamic Financial Services Board, Islamic Finance: Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Islamic Financial Services Board (2008).
Khadduri, Majid and Herbert J., eds. Law in the Middle East (1955).
Adhieh, Robert B., The Strategy of Boilerplate, 104 Michigan Law Review 1033 (2005-2006).
Amkhan, Adnan, Termination for Breach in Arab Contract Law, 10 Arab Law Quarterly 17 (1995).
Amkhan, Adnan, The Effect of Change in Circumstances in Arab Contract Law, 9 Arab Law Quarterly 258 (1994).
Amkhan, Adnan, Specific Performance in Arab Contract Law, 9 Arab Law Quarterly 324 (1994).
Amkhan, Adnan, The Concept of Fault in the Arab Law of Contract, 9 Arab Law Quarterly 171 (1994).
Amkhan, Adnan,
Force Majeure and Impossibility of Performance in Arab Contract Law, 6 Arab Law Quarterly 297 (1991).
Angelo, A.H., and E.P. Ellinger, Unconscionable Contracts: A Comparative Study of the Approaches in England, France, Germany and the United States, 14 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 455 (1991-1992).
Ar-Rawi, Abdul Jalil, Principles of Islamic Law on Contracts, 22 George Washington Law Review 32 (1953-1954).
Buang, Ahmad Hidayat, Islamic Contracts in a Secular Court Setting? Lessons from Malaysia, 21 Arab Law Quarterly 317 (2007).
Choi, Stephen J., and G. Mitu Gulati, Contract as Statute, 104 Michigan Law Review 1129 (2005-200).
Comair-Obeid, Nayla, The Law of Business Contracts in the Arab Middle East (1996).
El-Fishawy, Saad, Contracts and Litigation in Islamic Law, 76 American Society of International Legal Proceedings 62 (1982).
El-Wahab , `Abd, and Ahmed El-Hassan, Freedom of Contract, The Doctrine of Frustration, and Sanctity of Contracts in Sudan Law and Islamic Law, 1 Arab Law Quarterly 231 (1985-1986).
El-Wahab , `Abd, and Ahmed El-Hassan, The Doctrine of Duress (Ikrah) in Sharia, Sudan and English Law, 1 Arab Law Quarterly 51 (1985-1986).
Kahan, Marcel, and Michael Klausner, Standardization and Innovation in Corporate Contracting (or “The Economics of Boilerplate”), 83 Virginia Law Review 713 (1997).
Kourides, P. Nicholas, The Influence of Islamic Law on Contemporary Middle Eastern Legal Systems: The Formation and Binding Force of Contracts, 9 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 384 (1970).
__Disputes, Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Litigation__________________________________
Awad, Abed, The True Story of Sharia in American Courts, The Nation, June 13, 2012, available at
Buang, Ahmad Hidayat, Islamic Contracts in a Secular Court Setting? Lessons from Malaysia, 21 Arab Law Quarterly 317 (2007).
El-Fishawy, Saad, Contracts and Litigation in Islamic Law, 76 American Society of International Legal Proceedings 62 (1982).
__Equity and Equities____________________________________________________________________________
Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, Guide to the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, June 2007, Dow Jones Indexes, available at
Elgari, Mohamed Ali, Purification of Islamic Equity Funds: Methodology and Sharī`a Foundation, in Fourth Harvard Forum (2002), at 77-80.
Siddiqui, Rushdi, Islamic indexes: the DJIM framework, in Jaffer (2004), at 46-58.
Siddiqui, Rushdi, Shari‛ah Compliance, Performance and Conversion: The Case of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law495 (2007).
Yaquby, Nizam, Trading in Equities: A Sharī`a Perspective, in Fourth Harvard Forum (2001), at 119-28 (a version is available of this article may be found here.
__Governing Law, Legal Decisions, Legal Opinions, Legal Systems_________________________________________
al-Hibri, Azizah, Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing, 1 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 492 (1998-1999).
Awad, Abed, The True Story of Sharia in American Courts, The Nation, June 13, 2012, available here.
Badr, Gamal Moursi, Islamic Law: Its Relation to Other Legal Systems, 26 The American Journal of Comparative Law 187 (1977-1978).
Cammack, Mark E., and R. Michael Feener, The Islamic Legal System in Indonesia, 21 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 13 (2012),
available here.
DeLorenzo, Yusuf Talal, and Michael J.T. McMillen, Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis, in Archer, Simon, and
Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007), at 136-201.
__Investments; Asset and Wealth Management_______________________________________________________
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies (2004).
Jaffer, Sohail, ed., Islamic Wealth Management (2008).
__Islamic Culture, Thought and Religion_____________________________________________________________
Al-Ghazālī, Abū Hamid, The Niche of Lights, David Buchman, translator (1998).
Al-Ghazālī, Abū Hamid, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, Michael A. Marmura, translator (2000).
Allen, Roger, An Introduction to Arabic Literature (2000).
Arberry, A.J., ed., Religion in the Middle East (1969).
Armstrong, H. C., Lord of Arabia (2001).
Gibb, Hamilton A.R., Studies on the Civilization of Islam (1982).
Goldziher, Ignaz, Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law (1910: special edition 1982 translated by Andras Hamouri and Bernard Lewis).
Hattstein, Markus, and Peter Delius, Islam: Art and Architecture (undated).
Hastings, James, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (1915).
Holt, P.M., Ann K.S. Lambton and Bernard Lewis, eds., The Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 2: The Further Islamic Lands, Islamic
Society and Civilization (1970).
Makdisi, George, The Rise of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and the West (1981).
Makdisi, George, Legal History of Islamic Law and the English Common Law: Origins and Metamorphoses, 34 Cleveland State Law Review 3
Makdisi, John, Legal Logic and Equity in Islamic Law, 33 The American Journal of Comparative Law 63 (1985).
Makdisi, John,The Islamic Origins of the Common Law, 77 North Carolina Law Review 1635 (1998-1999).
McIlroy, David, Mediaeval Commercial Canon Law & Morality: Its Application to Todays World, 132133 Law & Justice - Christian Law Review 9
McKean, Frederick G., Canon Law in American Jurisdictions, 39 Dickinson Law Review 75 (October 1934 to June 1935).
__Islamic Finance Industry_______________________________________________________________________
Abdulmalik, Atif, Rising to the Challenge of Phenomenol Growth, Arab Banker, available at
Ali, S. Namim, ed., Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), (which is a selection of articles from the Sixth
Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Ali, S. Nazim, ed., Integrating Islamic Finance in the Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth (2002).
Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007).
Arnold, Wayne: Wayne Arnold, Adapting Finance to Islam, The New York Times, November 22, 2007, available at
Collier, Jane F., Intertwined Histories: Islamic Law and Western Imperialism, 28 Law & Society Review 395 (1994).
Coulson, Noel J., Commercial Law in the Gulf States: The Islamic Legal Tradition (1984).
Coulson, Noel J., A History of Islamic Law (1964).
DeLorenzo, Yusuf Talal, and Michael J.T. McMillen, Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis, in Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007), at 136-201.
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., “Interest” and the Paradox of Contemporary Law and Finance, 27 Fordham International Law Journal 108 (2003-2004).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Islamic Finance: Law, Economics, and Practice (2006).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., A Basic Guide to Contemporary Islamic anking and Finance (June 2000).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Mutuality as an Antidote to Rent-Seeking in Shari‘a-Arbitrage in Islamic Finance (April 2005), available
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Incoherence of Contract-Based Islamic Financial Jurisprudence in the Age of Financial Engineering (2007), available at
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Incoherence of Contract-Based Islamic Financial Jurisprudence in the Age of Financial Engineering, 25 Wisconsin
International Law Journal 605 (2008).
El-Gamal, Mahmoud A., Limited and Dangers of Shari‘a Arbitrage (undated), available at
Hamoudi, Haider Ala, Judicial Schizophrenia in Islamic Finance, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law 605 (2006-2007).
Hamoudi, Haider Ala, Muhammad’s Social Justice or Muslim Cant?: Langdellianism and the Failures of Islamic Finance, 40 Cornell International Law Journal 89 (2007).
Hamoudi, Haider Ala, The Muezzin’s Call and the Dow Jones Bell: Necessity of Realism in the Study of Islamic Law, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Working Paper No. 2007-08, September 2007, available at
Hegazy, Walid, Fatwas and the Fate of Islamic Finance: A Critique of the Practice of Fatwa in Contemporary Islamic Finance, in Ali (2005),
at 133-52.
Hegazy, Walid S., Contemporary Islamic Finance: From Socioeconomic Idealism to Pure Legalism, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law
Hegazy, Walid, Islamic Liability as Practiced by Islamic Financial Institutions, 25 Wisconsin International Law Journal 797 (2008).
Iqbal, Zamir, Islamic Financial Systems, Finance and Development (June 1997).
Iqbal, Zamir, and Hiroshi Tsubota, Emerging Islamic Capital Markets, The World Bank (2004).
Islamic Financial Services Board, Islamic Finance: Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Islamic Financial Services Board (2008).
Fadeel, Mahmoud Nasreldin Ahmed, Legal Aspects of Islamic Finance, in Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. (2002), at 90-108.
Khalaf, Roula, Islamic Banking Held Back by Lack of Scholars, Financial Times, November 19, 2007, available at
Landon, Thomas, Jr., Islamic Finance and Its Critics, The New York Times, August 9, 2007, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Finance and Investment in U.S. Expected to Grow, 248, No. 8, New York Law Journal, July 12, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., ”Enforceable In Accordance With Its Terms”: A Proposal Pertaining to Islamic Shari’ah, Fourth Meeting of the Council and Second Meeting of the General Assembly of the Islamic Financial Services Board, Bali, Indonesia, 2 Raby’ al-awal 1425 H.E., April 2, 2004 C.E..
McMillen, Michael J.T., Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Finance: A South Korean Case Study, in Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), at 77-106.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Creating a Secondary Market, Islamic Banking & Finance, Issue 11, July 2006, at 21-23.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Capital Markets: Developments and Issues, 1 Capital Markets Law Journal 136 (2006).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk issuances and the glimpse of a secondary market, in Euromoney Islamic Finance Review, Lori Nicholson, ed. (2006-2007), at 10-16.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Contractual Enforceability Issues: Sukuk and Capital Markets Development, 7 Chicago Journal of International Law
427 (2007).
McMillen, Michael J.T., The Shirt as an Environmental Adaptation, The Shirt Report, The Shirt Store, New York, July 2005.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Securities Laws, Trusts, Enforceability and Sukuk (a report for the Islamic Financial Services Board and the International Organization of Securities Commissions, April 19, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; copy on file with the author). An earlier version of a portion of this report addressing trust concepts was co-authored by Michael J.T. McMillen and Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo in a report to the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) entitled Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Trust Concepts and Sukuk. This earlier report, in turn, was incorporated into a larger report to the ADB prepared by V. Sundararajan and Centennial Group Holdings, LLC, and entitled TA-6182-REG: Development of International Prudential Standards for Islamic Financial Services, Final Report, March 2007, and appears in full as Appendix 4 to that report.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk (Islamic Bonds and Securitizations): Toward a Viable Secondary Market, in Integrating Islamic Finance in the
Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency, Nazim Ali, ed. (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard
University Forum on Islamic Finance).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk in Its Infancy: Misstep and Sequel, Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes: QuarterlyNewsletter, Issue
1, May 2008, available here.
__Islamic Law: see Sharī`ah, Fiqh and Islamic Law______________________________________________
__Markets; see Islamic Finance Industry______________________________________________________
__Mortgage see Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security________________________
__Partnerships, Sharikat, Mudaraba, Musharaka________________________________________________
Guidance Finance Group, LLC, The Declining Balance Co-Ownership Program, Guidance White Paper Series, Number One (2004),
available at
__Private Equity_________________________________________________________________________
Mailander (1997): Christopher J. Mailander, Searching for Liquidity: United States Exit Strategies for International Private Equity
Investment, 13 American niversity International Law Review 71 (1997-1998).
__Project and Infrastructure Finance_________________________________________________________
Al Omar, Mohammed S., Islamic Project Finance: A Case Study of the Equate Petrochemical Company, in The Proceedings of The Third
Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (2000), at 259-64.
Ambinder, Loren Page, Nimali e Silva and John Dewar, The Mirage Becomes Reality: Privatization and Project Finance Developments in the Middle East Power Market, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1029 (2000-2001).
AME Info: Qatar Expenditures (2005): Next step in Qatar’s $15 billion infrastructure spending, AME Info, June 27, 2005, available
AME Info: GCC Infrastructure (2008): $1.5 trillion for a 10 year GCC infrastructure boom, AME Info, January 29, 2008, available
Amison, Martin, Privatization and project finance in the Middle East, 14 International Financial Law Journal 14 (1995).
Babai, Don, Islamic Project Finance: Problems and Promises, in The Proceedings of the Second Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance:
Islamic Finance into the 21st Century (1998), at 173-78.
Bjerre, Carl S., Project Finance, Securitization and Consensuality, 12 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 411 (2002).
Croke, James J., Jr., Project Finance and Securitization: A Natural Hybrid, 18 Transnational Law Journal 159 (2004-2005).
Davis, Henry A., ed., Infrastructure Finance: Trends and Technologies (2008).
Duncan, Michael, Bimal Desai and Julie Rieger, Islamic Bankers take role on international projects, 23 International Financial Law Review 52 (2004).
Ebrahim, Muhammed-Shahid, Integrating Islamic and Conventional Project Finance, in Second Harvard Forum (1998), at 183-94.
Euromoney (2007 - Bond): Islamic Finance: Bonds’ car is Shariah-compliant, Euromoney Magazine as contained at the web
site of the Islamic Finance Information Service, April 1, 2007, available at
Head, John W., For Richer or for Poorer: Assessing the Criticisms Directed at the Multinational Development Banks, 52 University of Kansas Law Review 241 (2004).
Hoffman, Scott L., The Law and Business of International Project Finance: A Resource for Governments, Sponsors, Lenders, Lawyers and
Project Participants (1998).
Husain, Syed Tariq, Project Finance, in Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds.(2002), at 143-50.
Kamarck, Martin, Priming the Pump: Tapping the Global Capital Markets to Fund the World’s Infrastructure Needs, 18 The Transnational Lawyer 125 (2004-2005).
Khan, Mansoor H., Designing an Islamic model for project finance, 16 International Financial Law Review 13 (1997).
Loke, Alexander F.H., Risk Management and Credit Support in Project Finance, 2 Singapore Journal of International and Comparative Law 37 (1998).
Mates, Carol M., Project Finance in Emerging Markets – The Role of International Finance Corporation, 18 The Transnational Lawyer 165 (2004-2005).
McArdle, Wayne, EBRD: A Review of Project Finance Activities, 24 International Business Lawyer 431 (1996).
McMillen, Michael J.T., New Initiatives in Saudi Arabian Project Financing and the Expanding Role of Islamic Banking, Saudi Commerce and Economic Review, No. 48, April 1998.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Special Report: Project Finance: Reconciling New Funding with the Shari’ah, 38 Middle East Economic digest, 22 September 1998.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1184 (2000).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, in Third Harvard Forum (2002), at 111-31 (an earlier draft of this article is available at, as are other articles relating to contemporary Islamic finance).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Special Report US, Briefing: Islamic Finance: Breaking the Mould, Middle East Economic Digest, Vol. 44, No. 38, at 28-29, 22 September 2000.
McMillen, Michael J.T., A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings, The Proceedings of The Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities (2000).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part I: Project Financing and Islamic Jurisdictions – Saudi Arabia, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 8 (August 2001).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Shari`a-Compliant Financing Structures and the Development of an Islamic Economy, in Fifth Harvard Forum (2003), at 89-108.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part II: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 9 (2003).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part III: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 10 (2003).
__Rahn, Mortgage, Pledge, Security Interest, Collateral Security_________________________________________
Brendel, Neal R., Amy L. Barrette and Wadih El-Riachi, The Availability in the UAE of Liens to Secure Payments under Construction
Contracts, 24 Arab Law Quarterly 309 (2010).
Foster, Nicholas H.D., The Islamic Law of Real Security, 15 Arab Law Quarterly 131 (2000).
Gatteschi, D., Real Property, Mortgage and Wakf According to Ottoman Law, Translated from the Original Italian published in 1869 (1884).
Khan, Javed Ahmed, and Shariq Nisar, Collateral (Al-Rahn) as Practiced by Muslim Funds of North India, 17 Journal of Islamic Economics 17 (1425 A.H. / 2004 A.D.).
McMillen, Michael J.T., A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings, in Third Harvard Forum (2002).
__Real Estate, Including Investments, Acquisitions and Home Finance____________________________________
Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks, United States of America, Interpretive Letter #806, December 1997, to Mr. Steven T. Thomas, in respect of net lease (ijara) home finance products.
DeLorenzo, Yusuf Talal, and Michael J.T. McMillen, Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis, in Archer, Simon, and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds. Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007), at 136-201.
Gatteschi, D., Real Property, Mortgage and Wakf According to Ottoman Law, Translated from the Original Italian published in 1869 (1884).
Guidance Finance Group, LLC, The Declining Balance Co-Ownership Program, Guidance White Paper Series, Number One (2004),
available at
Hanif, Muhammad, and Syed Tahir Hijazi, Islamic Housing Finance: A Critical Analysis and Comparison with Conventional Mortgage,
available at
Gaffaney, Kyle, Buying a Home Can Be Difficult for Muslims in the United States, 21 Loyola Consumer Law Review 557 (2008-2009).
Hashmi, Omar A., Islamic Home Financing in the United States: Solution or Deception?, 52 Howard Law Journal 709 (2008-2009).
Mann, Roberta, Is Sharif's Castle Deductible?: Islam and the Tax Treatment of Mortgage Debt, 17 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1139 (2008-2009).
Maurer, Bill, Articulating Islamic Knowledge to an American Dream: Islamic Home Financing Alternatives after September 11, 2001, 26 Political and Legal Anthropology Journal 196 (2003).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Home Purchase Financing: A Conceptual Overview, November 17, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing IV – Bai Bithaman Ajil and Istisna’a, Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP November 5, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing III – Murabaha and Tawarruq, Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP October 2, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing II – Musharaka Mutanaqisa, Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP August 31, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing I – The Lease, July 31, 2012, available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System (2012), available at
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1184 (2000).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, in Third Harvard Forum (2002), at 111-31 (an earlier draft of this article is available here, as are other articles relating to contemporary Islamic finance).
McMillen, Michael J.T., A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings, in Third Harvard Forum (2002).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Finance: A South Korean Case Study, in Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues (2005), at 77-106.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1184 (2000).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Shari’ah-compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, in Third Harvard Forum (2002), at 111-31 (an earlier draft of this article is available at, as are other articles relating to contemporary Islamic finance).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Special Report US, Briefing: Islamic Finance: Breaking the Mould, Middle East Economic Digest, Vol. 44, No. 38,
at 28-29, 22 September 2000.
McMillen, Michael
J.T., A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings, in Third Harvard Forum (2002).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Shria-Compliant Project Finance, Part I: Project Financing and Islamic Jurisdictions – Saudi Arabia, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 8 (August 2001).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Shari`a-Compliant Financing Structures and the Development of an Islamic Economy, in Fifth Harvard Forum (2003), at 9-108.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part II: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 9 (2003).
McMillen, Michael J.T., Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part III: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions, Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 10 (2003).
Meera, Ahamed Kameel Mydin, and Dzuljastri Abdul Razak, Islamic Home Financing through Musharakah Mutanaqisah and al-Bay' Bithamin Ajil Contracts: A Comparative Analysis (undated), copy on file with the Publisher.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Structuring the Shari’a-compliant transaction involving non-compliant elements, in Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies, Sohail Jaffer, ed. (2004), at 208-36.
Archer & Abdel Karim (2002): Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, eds., Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth (2002).
Archer & Abdel Karim (2006): Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (2007).
Archer & Abdel Karim (2007): Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim, Accounting standards for Islamic financial services, in M. Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Handbook of Islamic Banking (2007), at 302-09.
Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks, United States of America, Interpretive Letter #806, December 1997, to Mr. Steven T. Thomas, in respect of net lease (ijara) home finance products.
Islamic Financial Services Board, Islamic Finance: Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Islamic Financial Services Board (2008).
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__Riba, Interest and Usury_______________________________________________________________________
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__Sharī`ah Boards and Supervision; Fatawa_________________________________________________________
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__Sukuk, Securitizations, Bonds and Capital Markets___________________________________________________
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McMillen, Michael J.T., Sukuk (Islamic Bonds and Securitizations): Toward a Viable Secondary Market, in Integrating Islamic Finance in the Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization and Transparency, Nazim Ali, ed. (2008) (which is a selection of articles from the Seventh Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance).
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__Takaful and Insurance__________________________________________________________________
McMillen, Michael J.T., Islamic Finance and the Shari'ah: The Dow Jones Fatwa and Permissible Variance as Studies in Letheanism and Legal Change (2013)
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Baillie, Neil B.E., translator, Aurungzebe Alumgeer, The Moohummudan Law of Sale According to the Huneefeea Code: From the Futawa Alumgeeree, A Digest of the Whole Law, Prepared by Command of The Emperor Aurungzebe Alumgeer, Selected and Translated from the Original Arabic with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes By Neil B. E. Baillie (1850).
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__Trusts see Waqf and Trusts_______________________________________________________________
__Wakala see Agency, Wakala_______________________________________________________________
__Waqf and Trusts________________________________________________________________________
Avini, Avisheh, The Origins of the Modern English Trust Revisited, 70 Tulane Law Review 1139 (1995-1996).
Cattan, Henry,The Law of Waqf, in Law in the Middle East, Majid Khadduri and Herbert J. Liebesney, eds. (1955), at 203.
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Gaudiosi, Monica M., The Influence of the Islamic Law of Waqf on the Development of the Trust in England: The Case of Merton College, 136 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1231 (1987-1988).
McMillen, Michael J.T., and Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo, Trust Laws and Islamic Finance, in Islamic Finance: Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Islamic Financial Services Board (2008), chapter 4, 143-66.
McMillen, Michael J.T., Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Securities Laws, Trusts, Enforceability and Sukuk (a report for the Islamic Financial Services Board and the International Organization of Securities Commissions, April 19, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; copy on file with the author). An earlier version of a portion of McMillen (2007 – IFSB) addressing trust concepts was co-authored by Michael J.T. McMillen and Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo in a report to the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) entitled Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Trust Concepts and Sukuk. This earlier report, in turn, was incorporated into a larger report to the ADB prepared by V. Sundararajan and Centennial Group Holdings, LLC, and entitled TA-6182-REG: Development of International Prudential Standards for Islamic Financial Services, Final Report, March 2007, and appears in full as Appendix 4 to that report.
___ E ________________________________________________________________________________
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