Michael J.T. McMillen: Select Other Publications
The follow is a sampling of articles on Islamic finance, investment and banking topics authored by Michael J.T. McMillen. Mr. McMillen has retained the copyright to nearly all of these articles. Please contact Mr. McMillen for further information.
Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
Shari'ah-Compliant Investment Banking in the Sultanate of Oman, March 13, 2013
Sukuk in the Sultanate of Oman, February 28, 2013
Islamic Banking Law Decree in the Sultanate of Oman, January 14, 2013
Islamic Banking: Sukuk, January 28, 2013
Islamic Banking: Shari'a Governance, December 13, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Shari'a Governance, December 5, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing IV – Bai Bithaman Ajil and Istisna’a, November 5, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing III – Murabaha and Tawarruq, October 2, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing II – Musharaka Mutanaqisa, August 31, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing I – The Lease, July 31, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: A Brief Introduction, July 3, 2012 (also available here)
Sequelae of the Dow Jones Fatwa and Evolution in Islamic Finance: The Real Estate Example (May 31, 2013)
Sukuk and the Islamic Capital Markets: An Introduction, in Contemporary Islamic Finance, Karen Hunt-Ahmed, ed. (2013)
Islamic Capital Markets for United States Parties: Overview and Select Shari'ah Governance Elements, in Inside the Minds: Financial Services Enforcement and Compliance (2013)
Islamic Capital Markets: A Selective Overview, The International Who's Who of Capital Markets Lawyers (2013)
Islamic Capital Markets: Market Developments and Conceptual Evolution in the First Thirteen Years (2012)
Islamic Home Purchase Financing: A Conceptual Overview, November 17, 2012
Islamic Finance and Investment in U.S. Expected to Grow, 248, No. 8, New York Law Journal, July 12, 2012
An Introduction to Sharīʿah Considerations in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Contexts and Islamic Finance’s First Bankruptcy (East Cameron) ( 2012)
Islamic Capital Markets: Market Developments and Conceptual Evolution in the First Thirteen Years (2012)
Trends in Islamic Project and Infrastructure Financing in the Middle East: Re-Emergence of the Murābaha (2012)
Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System (2012)
Informa Professional Academy Series: 2012 and 2013
Module 1: Islamic Finance: Introduction and Overview
Module 2: Investment Funds and the Ijara
Module 3: Murabaha
Module 4: Equity and Private Equity
Module 5: Sukuk Concepts and Structures
Module 6: Collateral Security, Rahn and Enforceability
Module 7: Bankruptcy and the East Cameron Oil and Gas Sukuk
Module 8A: Project and Infrastructure Finance
Module 8B: Takaful
Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System, March 9, 2011
"Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System", in Islamic Capital Markets: Products and
Strategies, M. Kabir Hassan and Hans-Michael Mahlknecht, eds. (2011).
The 2010 Tahawwut Master Agreement: Paving the Way for Shari`ah-Compliant Hedging, with Richard Fagerer and Michael E. Pikiel, Jr. (2010)
"Islamic Project Finance: An Introduction to Principles and Structures", constituting the entire issue of Global Infrastructure, Volume III, Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. (2009).
New York State Society of Security Analysts Series – Introduction to Islamic Finance
Introduction to Islamic Finance (Part I): Context and Concepts, The Finance Professionals’ Post, October 20, 2010
Introduction to Islamic Finance (Part II): Structural Considerations, The Finance Professionals’ Post, November 2, 2010
"Islamic Project and Infrastructure Finance: Re-Emergence of the Murabaha", in The In-House Lawyer, at 2 (December 2009/January 2010)
"Shari’ah-Compliant Project Finance", in A Practitioner’s Guide to Islamic Finance, Humayan Dar and Umar Moghul, eds. Chancellor Publications,
London (2010), Chapter 10
"Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: The Emerging Registration and Prioritisation System", co-authored with David Silver, in Islamic Finance
Review 2010/11, Euromoney (2010)
Shari'ah-Compliant Project Finance: A Structural Overview, The Chancellor Guide to the Legal and Shari'a Aspects of Islamic Finance (2009)
"Contemporary Islamic Finance: An Introduction to Essential Concepts", 38 International Law News 1 (Fall 2009)
"Trends in Islamic Project and Infrastructure Finance in the Middle East: Re-Emergence of the Murabaha", in Investing in the GCC Markets: New Opportunities in a Changing Landscape, Kamar Jaffer and Sohail Jaffer, eds., at 149, CPI Financial Books (2009)
"Islamic Capital Markets in the First Decade: Developments and Issues for the Future", in Islamic Wealth Management, Sohail Jaffer, Ed., at 12, Euromoney Publications (2009)
"Trust Laws and Islamic Finance", co-authored with Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo, in Islamic Finance: Surveys on Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim and Madzlan Mohamad Hussain, eds., 141-66, Islamic Financial Services Board, John Wiley & Sons
"The Middle East: Islamic Finance", 44 The International Lawyer 333 (2009) (co-authored with Nabil Issa).
Sukuk, in the First Decade: By The Numbers, in Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes Quarterly Newsletter, December 2008 (co-authored with John A. Crawford).
Asset Securitization Sukuk and the Islamic Capital Markets: Structural Issues In These Formative Years, 25 Wisconsin International Law
Journal 703 (2008)
Sukuk In Its Infancy: Missteps and Sequel, Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes Quarterly Newsletter, May 2008.
"Sukuk and Islamic Bonds: Towards a Viable Secondary Market", The Proceedings of the Sixth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Nazim Ali, ed., Cambridge, Massachusetts (2006) (2008).
"An Overview of Capital Markets Regulatory Approaches Affecting Islamic Finance", in The Middle East: The Potential for the Hedge Fund Market, Carol Bonnett and Sarah Barham, eds., ISI Publications (2008).
"Shari`ah-Compliant Hedge Funds: Commencing With First Principles", in The Middle East: The Potential for the Hedge Fund Market, Carol Bonnett and Sarah Barham, eds., ISI Publications (2008).
"Shari’ah-Compliant Infrastructure and Project Finance", in Infrastructure Finance, Henry A. Davis, ed., Euromoney Books (2008).
"Islamic Law Forum", 42 The International Lawyer 1017 (2008).
"Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis", in Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge, chapter 7, pages 132-197, Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Kareem, eds., John W. Wiley & Sons, Singapore (2007) (co-authored with Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo).
"Islamic Finance: The Year in Review - 2007", American Bar Association, International Law Section, Islamic Law Forum (Fall 2007).
"Islamic Project Finance", in Handbook of Islamic Banking, chapter 14, at 200-240, M. Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing, London (2007).
Contractual Enforceability Issues: Sukuk and Capital Markets Development, 7 University of Chicago Journal of International Law 427-467 (2007).
"Islamic capital markets: developments and issues", 1 Capital Markets Law Journal 136-72 (2007).
Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Securities Laws, Trusts, Enforceability and Sukuk, Islamic Financial Services Board (April 19, 2007).
Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Trusts and Asset Securitization Sukuk, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Financial Services Board (March 2007; with Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo).
"Foreward: Islamic Finance Review 2005-2006: a year of integration and globalization", Islamic Finance Yearbook 2005-2006, 1-12, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"An Innovation in Financing – Islamic CMBS", in Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securitisations: Developments in the European Market, chapter 21, at pages 382-412, Andrew V. Petersen, ed., Sweet & Maxwell, London (2006) (co-authored with Abradat Kamalpour).
"Sukuk Issuances and the Glimpse of the Secondary Market", Euromoney Islamic Finance Yearbook, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"Sukuk and Islamic Bonds: Towards a Viable Secondary Market", The Proceedings of the Sixth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2006).
"Creating a Secondary Market", Islamic Banking & Finance, Issue 11, July 2006, pages 21-23.
"Foreward: Islamic Finance Review 2005-2006: a year of integration and globalization", Islamic Finance Yearbook 2005-2006, 1-12, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"Raising the game of compliance: people and organisations", Islamic Finance Yearbook 2005-2006, 70-74, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"Shari’ah-Compliant Project Finance: Module 5", Informa Professional Academy, London (2006).
"Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Financing: A South Korean Case Study", in Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues, 77-106, S. Nazim Ali, ed., Islamic Finance Project, Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2005).
"The Shirt as an Environmental Adaptation", The Shirt Report, The Shirt Store, New York, New York (July 2005).
Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Financing: A South Korean Case Study, in The Proceedings of the Fifth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues, Islamic Finance Project, Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2004)
Structuring the Shari’a-Complaint Transaction Involving Non-Compliant Elements, Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies, chapter 16, 208-36, Sohail Jaffer, ed., Euromoney Books (2004)
"Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part I: Project Financing and Islamic Jurisdictions – Saudi Arabia", Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 8 (2001).
"Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part II: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions", Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 9, (2001)
"Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part III: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions", Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 10 (2002).
"A Shari’ah-Compliant Istisna’a-Ijara Construction, Mini-Perm and Long-Term Finance Structure for Project Financings, Including United States Case Studies", The Proceedings of the Fourth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2002).
Islamic Shari’ah-Compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1184 (April 2001) (also at this site) (please note that the affiliation indicated at that web site is no longer correct).
"A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings", The Proceedings of the Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2001).
Shari'ah-Compliant Financing Structures and the Development of an Islamic Economy, The Proceedings of the Fifth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance: Dynamics and Development, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University (2000), 89-107 (please note that the affiliation indicated at that website is no longer correct).
"Special Report: Project Finance: Reconciling New Funding with the Shari’ah", 38 Middle East Economic Digest, 22 September 1998.
"New Initiatives in Saudi Arabian Project Financing and the Expanding Role of Islamic Banking", Saudi Commerce and Economic Review, No. 48, April 1998.
"Special Report U.S.: Breaking the Mould", 38 Middle East Economic Digest, 18 September 1998.
Oman Law Blog of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
Shari'ah-Compliant Investment Banking in the Sultanate of Oman, March 13, 2013
Sukuk in the Sultanate of Oman, February 28, 2013
Islamic Banking Law Decree in the Sultanate of Oman, January 14, 2013
Islamic Banking: Sukuk, January 28, 2013
Islamic Banking: Shari'a Governance, December 13, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Shari'a Governance, December 5, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing IV – Bai Bithaman Ajil and Istisna’a, November 5, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing III – Murabaha and Tawarruq, October 2, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing II – Musharaka Mutanaqisa, August 31, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: Home Purchase Financing I – The Lease, July 31, 2012 (also available here)
Islamic Banking: A Brief Introduction, July 3, 2012 (also available here)
Sequelae of the Dow Jones Fatwa and Evolution in Islamic Finance: The Real Estate Example (May 31, 2013)
Sukuk and the Islamic Capital Markets: An Introduction, in Contemporary Islamic Finance, Karen Hunt-Ahmed, ed. (2013)
Islamic Capital Markets for United States Parties: Overview and Select Shari'ah Governance Elements, in Inside the Minds: Financial Services Enforcement and Compliance (2013)
Islamic Capital Markets: A Selective Overview, The International Who's Who of Capital Markets Lawyers (2013)
Islamic Capital Markets: Market Developments and Conceptual Evolution in the First Thirteen Years (2012)
Islamic Home Purchase Financing: A Conceptual Overview, November 17, 2012
Islamic Finance and Investment in U.S. Expected to Grow, 248, No. 8, New York Law Journal, July 12, 2012
An Introduction to Sharīʿah Considerations in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Contexts and Islamic Finance’s First Bankruptcy (East Cameron) ( 2012)
Islamic Capital Markets: Market Developments and Conceptual Evolution in the First Thirteen Years (2012)
Trends in Islamic Project and Infrastructure Financing in the Middle East: Re-Emergence of the Murābaha (2012)
Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System (2012)
Informa Professional Academy Series: 2012 and 2013
Module 1: Islamic Finance: Introduction and Overview
Module 2: Investment Funds and the Ijara
Module 3: Murabaha
Module 4: Equity and Private Equity
Module 5: Sukuk Concepts and Structures
Module 6: Collateral Security, Rahn and Enforceability
Module 7: Bankruptcy and the East Cameron Oil and Gas Sukuk
Module 8A: Project and Infrastructure Finance
Module 8B: Takaful
Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System, March 9, 2011
"Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: Formalization and a Registration and Prioritization System", in Islamic Capital Markets: Products and
Strategies, M. Kabir Hassan and Hans-Michael Mahlknecht, eds. (2011).
The 2010 Tahawwut Master Agreement: Paving the Way for Shari`ah-Compliant Hedging, with Richard Fagerer and Michael E. Pikiel, Jr. (2010)
"Islamic Project Finance: An Introduction to Principles and Structures", constituting the entire issue of Global Infrastructure, Volume III, Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. (2009).
New York State Society of Security Analysts Series – Introduction to Islamic Finance
Introduction to Islamic Finance (Part I): Context and Concepts, The Finance Professionals’ Post, October 20, 2010
Introduction to Islamic Finance (Part II): Structural Considerations, The Finance Professionals’ Post, November 2, 2010
"Islamic Project and Infrastructure Finance: Re-Emergence of the Murabaha", in The In-House Lawyer, at 2 (December 2009/January 2010)
"Shari’ah-Compliant Project Finance", in A Practitioner’s Guide to Islamic Finance, Humayan Dar and Umar Moghul, eds. Chancellor Publications,
London (2010), Chapter 10
"Rahn Concepts in Saudi Arabia: The Emerging Registration and Prioritisation System", co-authored with David Silver, in Islamic Finance
Review 2010/11, Euromoney (2010)
Shari'ah-Compliant Project Finance: A Structural Overview, The Chancellor Guide to the Legal and Shari'a Aspects of Islamic Finance (2009)
"Contemporary Islamic Finance: An Introduction to Essential Concepts", 38 International Law News 1 (Fall 2009)
"Trends in Islamic Project and Infrastructure Finance in the Middle East: Re-Emergence of the Murabaha", in Investing in the GCC Markets: New Opportunities in a Changing Landscape, Kamar Jaffer and Sohail Jaffer, eds., at 149, CPI Financial Books (2009)
"Islamic Capital Markets in the First Decade: Developments and Issues for the Future", in Islamic Wealth Management, Sohail Jaffer, Ed., at 12, Euromoney Publications (2009)
"Trust Laws and Islamic Finance", co-authored with Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo, in Islamic Finance: Surveys on Global Legal Issues and Challenges, Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim and Madzlan Mohamad Hussain, eds., 141-66, Islamic Financial Services Board, John Wiley & Sons
"The Middle East: Islamic Finance", 44 The International Lawyer 333 (2009) (co-authored with Nabil Issa).
Sukuk, in the First Decade: By The Numbers, in Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes Quarterly Newsletter, December 2008 (co-authored with John A. Crawford).
Asset Securitization Sukuk and the Islamic Capital Markets: Structural Issues In These Formative Years, 25 Wisconsin International Law
Journal 703 (2008)
Sukuk In Its Infancy: Missteps and Sequel, Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes Quarterly Newsletter, May 2008.
"Sukuk and Islamic Bonds: Towards a Viable Secondary Market", The Proceedings of the Sixth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Nazim Ali, ed., Cambridge, Massachusetts (2006) (2008).
"An Overview of Capital Markets Regulatory Approaches Affecting Islamic Finance", in The Middle East: The Potential for the Hedge Fund Market, Carol Bonnett and Sarah Barham, eds., ISI Publications (2008).
"Shari`ah-Compliant Hedge Funds: Commencing With First Principles", in The Middle East: The Potential for the Hedge Fund Market, Carol Bonnett and Sarah Barham, eds., ISI Publications (2008).
"Shari’ah-Compliant Infrastructure and Project Finance", in Infrastructure Finance, Henry A. Davis, ed., Euromoney Books (2008).
"Islamic Law Forum", 42 The International Lawyer 1017 (2008).
"Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis", in Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge, chapter 7, pages 132-197, Simon Archer and Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Kareem, eds., John W. Wiley & Sons, Singapore (2007) (co-authored with Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo).
"Islamic Finance: The Year in Review - 2007", American Bar Association, International Law Section, Islamic Law Forum (Fall 2007).
"Islamic Project Finance", in Handbook of Islamic Banking, chapter 14, at 200-240, M. Kabir Hassan and Mervyn K. Lewis, eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing, London (2007).
Contractual Enforceability Issues: Sukuk and Capital Markets Development, 7 University of Chicago Journal of International Law 427-467 (2007).
"Islamic capital markets: developments and issues", 1 Capital Markets Law Journal 136-72 (2007).
Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Securities Laws, Trusts, Enforceability and Sukuk, Islamic Financial Services Board (April 19, 2007).
Toward an Effective Legal Framework for Islamic Finance: Trusts and Asset Securitization Sukuk, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Financial Services Board (March 2007; with Sheikh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo).
"Foreward: Islamic Finance Review 2005-2006: a year of integration and globalization", Islamic Finance Yearbook 2005-2006, 1-12, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"An Innovation in Financing – Islamic CMBS", in Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securitisations: Developments in the European Market, chapter 21, at pages 382-412, Andrew V. Petersen, ed., Sweet & Maxwell, London (2006) (co-authored with Abradat Kamalpour).
"Sukuk Issuances and the Glimpse of the Secondary Market", Euromoney Islamic Finance Yearbook, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"Sukuk and Islamic Bonds: Towards a Viable Secondary Market", The Proceedings of the Sixth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2006).
"Creating a Secondary Market", Islamic Banking & Finance, Issue 11, July 2006, pages 21-23.
"Foreward: Islamic Finance Review 2005-2006: a year of integration and globalization", Islamic Finance Yearbook 2005-2006, 1-12, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"Raising the game of compliance: people and organisations", Islamic Finance Yearbook 2005-2006, 70-74, Euromoney Books, London (2006).
"Shari’ah-Compliant Project Finance: Module 5", Informa Professional Academy, London (2006).
"Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Financing: A South Korean Case Study", in Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues, 77-106, S. Nazim Ali, ed., Islamic Finance Project, Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2005).
"The Shirt as an Environmental Adaptation", The Shirt Report, The Shirt Store, New York, New York (July 2005).
Structuring a Securitized Shari’ah-Compliant Real Estate Acquisition Financing: A South Korean Case Study, in The Proceedings of the Fifth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Current Legal and Regulatory Issues, Islamic Finance Project, Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2004)
Structuring the Shari’a-Complaint Transaction Involving Non-Compliant Elements, Islamic Asset Management: Forming the Future for Shari’a-Compliant Investment Strategies, chapter 16, 208-36, Sohail Jaffer, ed., Euromoney Books (2004)
"Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part I: Project Financing and Islamic Jurisdictions – Saudi Arabia", Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 8 (2001).
"Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part II: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions", Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 9, (2001)
"Sharia-Compliant Project Finance, Part III: Project Financing and United States Jurisdictions", Middle East Executive Reports, Volume 24, No. 10 (2002).
"A Shari’ah-Compliant Istisna’a-Ijara Construction, Mini-Perm and Long-Term Finance Structure for Project Financings, Including United States Case Studies", The Proceedings of the Fourth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2002).
Islamic Shari’ah-Compliant Project Finance: Collateral Security and Financing Structure Case Studies, 24 Fordham International Law Journal 1184 (April 2001) (also at this site) (please note that the affiliation indicated at that web site is no longer correct).
"A Collateral Security Structure for Project and Secured Financings", The Proceedings of the Third Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Local Challenges, Global Opportunities, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2001).
Shari'ah-Compliant Financing Structures and the Development of an Islamic Economy, The Proceedings of the Fifth Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance: Dynamics and Development, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University (2000), 89-107 (please note that the affiliation indicated at that website is no longer correct).
"Special Report: Project Finance: Reconciling New Funding with the Shari’ah", 38 Middle East Economic Digest, 22 September 1998.
"New Initiatives in Saudi Arabian Project Financing and the Expanding Role of Islamic Banking", Saudi Commerce and Economic Review, No. 48, April 1998.
"Special Report U.S.: Breaking the Mould", 38 Middle East Economic Digest, 18 September 1998.